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August 19, 2012

Dear CCAM Partners and Friends,

Since our last ministry report, the CCAMS Performing Team has been invited to share their artistic gifts at many venues, including Cambodia Bible Institute Graduation, the Phnom Penh Bible School Graduation, the 3-day EFC Women's Conference in Kompong Som, Ambassadors for Christ Cambodia, and two separate events at Water of Life, where former CCAMS student Rin Yame now serves.

During the Sunday morning worship service at Water of Life, Rin preached a beautiful sermon about remembering all of God's benefits in his life.  He publically honored Mommy Gioia and Auntie Noren for their ministry to him, and thanked God for all of the care and training he received during the 10 years he lived at CCAMS after being rescued as a street kid.

The CCAMS Performing Team also presented a very special performance on our home stage, opening with "The Welcome Dance" to honor Kelsey Wilson's parents, who came bearing gifts from Colorado in the U.S.A. to visit Kelsey and CCAMS here in Cambodia.  Many other visitors joined our celebration that day, including members of Kelsey's AIM team, a group of teachers who were on a five-week mission trip to teach at local Christian schools, some fellow missionaries serving long-term here in Cambodia, and two former CCAMS students, Rin Yame and Lina Pao.  The CCAMS Apprentice Team performed "The Coconut Dance," and Kelsey's preschool students and English students sang songs in Khmer and in English, complete with colorful handmade instruments, puppets, and meaningful hand gestures.

During the festivities, we introduced Lina Pao, former CCAMS graduate intern who wrote and illustrated several Christian children's books during her many years living and studying with us.  She currently serves with Transform Cambodia.  Recently CCAMS published one of her books, "A True Friend," thanks to Kelsey's diligence and expertise preparing the manuscript and illustrations on the computer using InDesign (training provided by Fount of Wisdom) and then printing, trimming, folding, and stapling copies that look very professional.  At the Welcome Celebration, we presented to Lina one of the very first copies of that book.

Donations from CCAMS partners and friends in the U.S. (especially Colorado), and also in the U.K., helped purchase the special printer and other equipment needed to accomplish this work.  And now enough donations have come in to mass produce "A True Friend" for distribution throughout Cambodia.  Praise the Lord!

Please pray for donations to keep coming in for the book project, so that we will be able to mass produce and distribute many more such books that are being written and illustrated by CCAMS students.  Right now we are preparing for publication "Never Give Up," written and illustrated by Reaksmey Long Ty.  We also need additional funds to reprint "Miknia's Doll," Lina's first book published by Fount of Wisdom, for distribution to all the Room-to-Read libraries across Cambodia.

"The Dew of Life" is a new dance performed by seven girls that we presented for the first time at the Welcome Celebration for Kelsey's parents.  The music and lyrics of the song were created by Rin Yame during the time he lived and studied at CCAMS.  Voices from the Nations recorded the music (with vocals by CCAMS singers Doungchan Loeung, Dina Pen, and Buntheep Chun) and included it on their CD-DVD Album, "Garlands for Ashes."   Now Gioia and Reaksmey have choreographed a dance drama interpreting the lyrics describing Jesus Christ as the Heavenly Dew who revives the hopeless, just as the earthly dew refreshes the flowers.  The mixed dance styles combine modern ballet with Khmer classical dance.  At the Welcome Celebration, we introduced Rin as the creator of the song and presented to him a copy of the "Garlands for Ashes" album.

The team of teachers that attended the Welcome Celebration unexpectedly finished their mission trip to Cambodia by spending their last week at CCAMS!  Bonnie and Sybil sewed costumes, Ji Hae choreographed creative worship dance, Crystal designed many computer graphics projects, Katrina helped teach preschool and produced preschool teaching aids, and Lindsay made rhythm flash cards for teaching music theory.  Next week, those flash cards will be put to good use by Clare, a volunteer music teacher from London.  And Kelsey is now further developing the computer graphics projects started by Crystal, especially the note cards and postcards featuring artwork by CCAMS students.  What wonderful divine appointments the Lord has been arranging for us recently!

And that's not all!  We've also been blessed by Kevin Kanes's mission team from the U.S.A. (Florida), bearing gifts and showering us with encouragement.  First we presented our Welcome Dance for them, followed by the debut of our brand new Farewell Dance, music by Pastor David Bin, lyrics by Gioia and Noren, and choreography by Sophun and Reaksmey. What a rousing reception our performers received!  At this debut, only parts two, three, and four of the Farewell Dance were performed, because part one requires a special instrument that we've not yet acquired.  However, following is an overview of the whole dance that Sophun and Reaksmey have designed in four parts.

PART ONE features a mournful introduction by an instrument called snyng, made from the horn of an animal. Soon the singers join in softly. Verse one expresses the sadness of parting from friends and loved ones, while also thanking God for the time gratefully shared.  Also during that first verse, other Khmer instruments join the snyng one by one, starting ever so softly and gradually building to a climax in the second verse that is filled with hope, trusting in God's plan to reunite His people, whether on the earth or in heaven. 

PART TWO ushers in the dancers, interpreting the lyrics about Jesus Christ blessing his disciples with words of comfort and hope, as He prepares them for His imminent death on the cross and ultimate resurrection:  "Let not your heart be troubled, for in heaven are many dwellings.  I'm going to prepare a place for you, and I'll return to take you there."  Jesus also promises:  "I'll not leave you as orphans; I'll ask the Father to send a Helper; He is the Holy Spirit, who will live in you forever."   And then, part two closes with an encouraging benediction:  "So the Holy Spirit lives inside believers today; and believers live in the Holy Spirit too; so, whether near or far, we can all stay connected; in spiritual fellowship and prayers for one another."

PART THREE begins with a faint drum roll that gradually grows in intensity.  Then a second drum joins in, then a third, and then a fourth.  Suddenly four boys burst onto the stage, dancing and playing yigay style drums suspended by straps around their necks.  The singers bid farewell to one and all, be comforted, have peace; be joyful in the knowledge that one day all sin will cease; show love to everyone, but share unity with the saints; until the faithful be complete and freed from all that taints!

PART FOUR brings back the dancers clapping to the pulsing rhythms as they join the singers and the drummers for an electrifying finale:  May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!  Hallelujah!  May the love of God the Father be with you all!  Hallelujah!  May the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!  Hallelujah! Amen!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Amen!

Praise God!  What a great way to end this newsletter!

Gioia and Noren and the CCAMS Family