- That all CCAMS students and staff would receive Christ's gift of salvation;
- That CCAMS believers would be "humble, broken hearted, and tremble at God's Word" (Isaiah 66:2b);
- That extended family of CCAMS students and staff would become believers through our witness;
- That CCAMS outreach ministry would bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God;
- For protection from computer viruses, software and hardware failures, and power surges;
- For protection from storms, floods, and other types of environmental threats;
- For protection from frequent inconveniences, and even dangers (especially flooding or fire), due to poor construction of buildings;
- For protection from social or political upheavals;
- For protection from accident and illness, both at home and while traveling;
- For protection from thieves and vandals;
- For protection from pests – insects, snakes, rats, etc;
- For all of us to respond with God's grace, no matter what happens.
- More prayer and financial partners;
- Volunteer architect to finish plans for Kompong Chhnang Ministry Center;
- Funds and a volunteer manager to build Kompong Chhnang Ministry Center;
- Funds and a volunteer expert to provide better computers for computer lab;
- Funds for new guitars;
- Funds for art supplies;
- Funds to finish construction of courtyard roofing;
- Part-time or full-time volunteer staff: especially teachers (academic, fine arts, vocational, sports), medical professionals, child care, preschool, computer expert, recording studio technician, fix-it person, driver, mechanic, administrator-office manager, project managers (especially graphic design/desktop publishing, multi-media, stage sound, lighting, & scenery, arts and crafts, and gardening).